The Space Force is two. Its growing pains are real. (Greg Nash – Pool/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON: In December, the Space Force turned two years old, which, as a key member of Congress recently told Breaking Defense, means the service has entered the toddler stage. It also means that lawmakers are ready to start asking whether the service is operating as it needs to, particularly in the realm of acquisition reform, a priority for 2022.

During the first ever Breaking Defense Space Survey, we polled almost 500 space professionals on a variety of topics, including the greatest threats to America’s space ambitions, the growing role of the Space Force and what space capabilities need the most investment going forward. As part of that, we asked a number of questions about America’s youngest military branch and how well it plays with others.

In the graphics below, we present the responses to three key questions about the Space Force – something of a two year checkup. For more from the Space Survey findings, including clips from our expert roundtable, click here.